Morgan wants to serve city

Greg Morgan thinks there should be changes on the city council and so he decided to step up and put his hat in the ring for the Ward 3 seat to help make those changes.
“There’s a lot of things like the water is so dirty, you have to drink bottled water, then there’s the streets and numerous other things,” Morgan said. “The electric bill is definitely an issue, too. I realize there’s only so much you can do about that.”
Morgan is a Comanche native. After graduating from Comanche, he enlisted in the Army National Guard. He was activated and spent 20 years in military service. He served in Operation Iraqi Freedom and is a disabled veteran. He is also a lifetime member of AmVets Post No. 11.
Morgan also has around 20 years of experience as a plumber and he is in good standing with the Plumber & Pipefitters Union. In fact, he was elected to the finance committee and the examining commissions of that organization.
He thinks that experience will help him be a good fit for the city council.
Morgan said he likes living in Comanche and family is what has kept him in the area for all these years.
He got interested in running for city council after moving into the city after living in Meridian for several years.
Morgan said his top priority if he got elected was to try to see what he could do to get utility rates down.
“I want to do that because this is a retirement community and people can’t afford a $600 utility bill,” Morgan said.
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