Harris wants to serve hometown

Brayden Harris is a lifelong resident of Comanche who wants to serve the community that he loves as an at-large city council member.
“We have wonderful people, great businesses and wonderful scenery,” Harris said.
Harris graduated from Comanche before attending and graduating from Cameron University in Lawton. He moved back to Comanche after college and has been here ever since.
“I have thought about being in city leadership for some time,” Harris said. “When I became aware of the opportunity to run for this seat on the City Council, I decided it was time to try. My passion is helping others and I’m also familiar with government process. I have served on staff at Oklahoma American Legion Boys State for several years and one of the projects I helped bring to fruition was the implementation of a functioning mock-government at the city level. That experience taught me that there is more to city government than most realize.”
Harris sees several areas where he would like to see improvements and building up of community realizing it takes many people to make it happen.
“I would like to look into city-wide issues and open discussion with people about what they think we need to improve. An example is the issues with utility bills. I would like to dig deeper and figure out our options and how we as a community can best help the situation going forward,” Harris said.
Harris thinks another example is getting grants to help update the city’s infrastructure.
“There are opportunities to help fund improvements that we can go for, but it takes more than just one or two people at city hall to make it happen,” Harris said. “I would also like to focus on community events and involvement. I believe we can build up the city through events, exposure and opportunities for people to get out and join in fellowship. My top priority is definitely community. I want to help bring the city closer and get people of all ages involved in everything from events to policy.”
Harris believes the best way to be a leader is to be a servant.
“I see myself as a servant to the community,” Harris said. “I hope that if people have issues they want or need addressed, they feel like they can always talk to me. I have enjoyed this opportunity and pray that regardless of the outcome of this race, Comanche is blessed in the coming years.”
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