Comanche Fall Fest nears

ill be hosting the Comanche Fall Fest on Saturday, Oct. 28 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. It will be located on Main Street in downtown Comanche.
There will be fun activities for all ages. Some activities include: Corn Hole Tournament sponsored by Headdress Salon (proceeds benefit Toys for Tots), a car show hosted by and benefiting Comanche Police Reserves, and Bingo hosted by Comanche Chamber of Commerce (proceeds benefits Steve Bolton Scholarship fund).
The corn hole double-elimination tournament begins at 12:30 p.m. The first team to 21 wins. The entry fee is $40.
Registration for the car show is from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. Registration fee is $30. All entrants must register and be parked by 10 a.m. Awards will be given out at 2 p.m. Show classes include truck, ratrod, classic, custom, new car and motorcycle. First and second place awards will be given out.
This is just a portion of the fun and entertainment available. There will also be food, clothing, arts and crafts, and booths from local businesses and vendors.
The boosters are extremely excited to add a Fall Fest 5K at Comanche Lake starting at 8 a.m. that day. Registration can be done prior to the event or at 7:30 a.m. at the fishing dock. The course will be cross country style and have awards for Best Costume and banners for winners in every age division: 0-14 years old, 15-19 years old, 20-39 years old, 40-59 years old, and 60+ years old. The entry fee is $15 plus four canned food items. All food items are being donated to Christian Helping Hands. For more information contact Dede Parks at 580-656-0071.
For more information about booths, contact Lacey Jones, 580-606-0115 or Dede Parks, 580-656-0071. Booth cost is $45 without electricity and $55 with electricity.
The Ag Boosters will maintain the drink booth and are selling cowboy fries as well as selling raffle tickets all day until the drawing for a 5-foot by 10 foot utility trailer with ramp. The raffle profits benefit the Comanche students who are eligible to show livestock at the Stephens County Junior Livestock Show in February 2024, as it sponsors the premium monies.
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