Three bills approved in committee

This week, we continued working through bills in committee and heard a few on the floor. In Agriculture and Rural Affairs, we heard around a dozen bills, including a few of my own. The committee approved three of my measures, SB 1934, SB 1935, and SB 2028.
These measures update the state hemp law to remain in compliance with federal law; designate April as Native Plant Month; and offer a sales tax exemption to game breeders for the purchase of hay or other agricultural supplies needed for production. Despite covering a variety of subjects, these bills have a common purpose, to offer support to our state’s agricultural producers and to promote growth within the industry.
Additionally, Senate Bill 1309 was approved by the Appropriations Subcommittee on Education, and can now be heard by the full Appropriations Committee. This measure provides funding for the Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology to fund grant programs in three of Oklahoma’s major industry sectors, aerospace, life sciences, and energy.
To fund research and development, these proposed grants would match funds contributed by Oklahoma small businesses, investments that will continue to promote economic growth, create jobs, and introduce innovative technologies in our state.
We’ll continue work on bills in the coming weeks and I’ll keep you posted as these measures continue through the legislative process.
The Board of Equalization also released their revenue certification this week, giving us a much better idea of how much we have to appropriate this year and our ability to deliver a tax cut to Oklahomans.
Thank you again for the privilege of serving our district and the State of Oklahoma in the Senate. If I can be of any assistance, you can reach me at 405-521-5563 or
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