Board gets update on ADA compliance
The Comanche Board of Education met in a regular session on May 14. Board members approved various special service contracts for the upcoming year and other routine consent agenda items, including the April regular board meeting minutes, activity fund reports, and the treasurer’s report.
Also approved were encumbrances in the general, building, and child nutrition funds. Contracts were approved relating to energy-saving solutions presented by representatives from Ideal Impact.
Ideal Impact helps schools and ministries with energy-saving solutions. The company will optimize the usage of the current equipment.
Bills informed the board that state-required testing was completed last week with nearly 100% completion. Bills reported that expected summer school participation numbers are down compared to last year.
Superintendent Bills reported that the track team had two regional champions, Brilee Combs and Makisig Rogers. CHS track had 7 state qualifiers who competed at the State Meet. The boys’ golf had one state qualifier, RJ Roberts with the girls program having one athlete qualify for Regionals -Jillian Hushbeck. Bills expressed her congratulations to the students and coaches for their hard work and dedication to the programs.
Bills informed the board that there have been various end-of-year trips and assemblies in the last few weeks.
Summer maintenance projects will include general maintenance of the floors and the beginning of the renovation of the former band room and commons area. She reported on the progress of the safe room/band room building and provided photographs.
Bills informed the board of the ADA compliance follow-up report received after a walk-through with James Kerr on ADA compliance concerns and recommendations.
Things to address:
1. Verify that all of your building entrances are on an accessible route.
2. Provide at least one Boy’s and one Girl’s ADA-compliant restroom in each existing building.
3. Replace and/or relocate ADA-compliant grab bars in restrooms.
4. Replace all door knobs with ADA-compliant levers.
Bills also shared with the board the Community Eligibility Provision regarding the Child Nutrition Program. She has met with the SDE child nutrition specialist and the district qualifies for this program. Students at all three sites will be able to eat at no charge. Bills said it will be a great benefit for families. The board also discussed the renewal of the upcoming child nutrition management contract with OPAA.
In other action, the Board of Education approved the rehiring of certified faculty members currently serving on continuing and temporary contracts, as well as certified employees serving in a support role for the 2024-25 fiscal year.
The board also approved the hiring of Bodie Grice for a maintenance position, Lindsey Harris and Charles Heffner for middle school/coaching positions, Jacy Dobbins as an elementary counselor, and Lisa Sisson as a special education teacher. Bills said.
“We still have openings for a High School English and Science teacher and an elementary teacher. I am excited about our new team members and how they will contribute to the district’s vision.”
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