Political candidates vie for votes

by Todd Brooks

DUNCAN - With primary elections closing in, local candidates eyeing local and state offices met with the public at the Duncan Chamber of Commerce Legislative Coffee on the campus of Cameron University-Duncan last Friday.

All the candidates talked about how hectic campaigning has been with the June 18 primaries looming.

Andrew Aldridge, State Rep. District 50

“I’m super excited. It’s a passion of mine to just talk to the voters door to door, so that’s made it a lot of fun. There’s been a lot of excitement and energy, and that’s what we are going to keep doing because that is what is stirring the energy up. It’s going well for us because of the people I get to meet at the door.”

Jayce Miller, State Rep. District 50

“It’s going pretty good. We’re doing a lot of door knocking right now. We’ve gone through 5,000 brochures, but I’m happy to to get out and meet people in the final days of the campaign. I’m enjoying it.”

Pamala McNall-Granier, State Sen. District 31

“It’s been going good, it’s been going strong. Door knocking has been fantastic. The response has been fantastic. And I’m also getting my steps in, so that’s good. It’s been interesting and it’s been very eye opening. I’ve met so many different people with different thoughts and ideas.”

Rick Lang, Stephens County Sheriff

“It’s been going fantastic. We’ve had a great time. One thing I dreaded about the campaign was asking people for money and we haven’t had to do that. People just have brought us money and supported us. We’ve met some fantastic people and have had a good time. We’ve had an overwhelming request for signs and I have to tell people ‘no’ because we don’t have time to get more printed.”

Rick Wolfe, State Sen. District 31

“The campaign has been going really well. We’ve met a lot of people. I’ve knocked on over 1,500 doors myself and that’s not including my volunteers. It is going good. It’s been well received.”

Bill Straily, Stephens County Sheriff

“I think it’s going well. I know that I’m going to win, I have that kind of attitude to know I am going to be the next sheriff of Stephens County. I have a lot of good people coming up to me, talking to me all the time, and asking me important questions. And I’m answering them like I should, what I feel and what what I’m going to do from my heart.”

Stacy Jo Adams, State Rep. District 50

“It’s been going really good. I’ve been knocking on a lot of doors. The hardest part is not spending too much time at the doors because people are wanting to tell you everything that is going on in their life and how frustrated they are. So it’s kind of slowing things down, but I’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback.

Clayton Pickard, State Rep. District 50

“It’s been very interesting. And this being well into the 21st century, I’ve been campaigning to Ring cameras. People have actually talked to me through their ring cameras and I’m answering questions. For the most part, most folks in Stephens and Jefferson County have been very hospitable when I’ve been talking to them. So, I’m glad people are taking an active role in what is going to happen in this election.”

Spencer Kern, State Sen. District 31

“The campaign is like a roller coaster, it is not like a carousel by any means. There are mornings you knock on doors and everybody you talk to, it’s amazing. You get great feedback and positive responses and then some mornings you wake up and its like walking through wet concrete and you have to make yourself go. But the excitement is there. You can really start seeing the people you’re going to affect, the constituents that you’re going to have to be able to do something for. They reach out and tell you what is important to them and you’re carrying that to the Capitol for them.”

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