Times expanding coverage area
August 29, 2024
The Comanche Times is embarking on a new adventure in coverage expansion.
Starting in the Sept. 5 edition, the newspaper will have one page devoted to the Empire school and community.
This will in no way have a negative impact on the coverage provided to Comanche.
“We are a Comanche paper and we will always be a Comanche paper,” said Todd Broooks, Comanche Times owner and publisher. “We will continue our award-winning service to the Comanche community with no drop-off in coverage. We just wanted to give our friends and neighbors in Empire the same opportunity.”
The inclusion of Empire will allow the newspaper to expand its readership and its advertising.
“We know there is a friendly rivalry between the schools. Many newspapers throughout the United States include coverage of rival schools with no problem and we see no reason for this to be any different,” Brooks said. “Many people in the communities know each other, work with each other and go to the same churches, so why not be featured in the same newspaper?”
It will be a mutually beneficial partnership.
“The school district is excited about the idea of having a page devoted to the students’ and the community’s news and accomplisments,” Brooks said. “We are excited about being able to provide this coverage. We hope it is successful so that we can continue it for years to come.”
Those interested in subscribing to The Comanche Times can call 580-439-6500 or subscribe online at www.comancheok.net. The cost is $30 annually for an in-county subscription and $25 for the online-only edition. Those interested in advertising and/or sponsoring the Empire page can call 580-439-6500 or email comanchetimes@gmail.com for advertising prices and opportunities. Likewise, anyone with any story ideas or tips can call the same number or u
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