Board approves Estimate of Needs

September 18, 2024

Comanche Public Schools Finance Director Terry Davidson presented the district‘s Estimate of Needs (EON) at the Comanche Board of Education meeting on Sept. 10. He provided a history of the EON document and its purpose. 
He also shared details concerning how he works with the auditor to determine the overall district financial needs for the upcoming year. Terry Davidson reported record-level fund balances in the General Fund, Child Nutrition Fund, and Building Fund. 
Davidson reminded board members that four years ago, he had recommended that fund balances be increased as much as possible. This commitment was necessary to prepare for the financial challenges that will present themselves now that the stimulus funding is no longer available.
The board approved various routine consent agenda items, including the minutes of the August board meeting, activity fund reports, 2024-2025 activity fundraisers, and the treasurer’s report. The board also approved the School-Wide Title I Plan, General Fund, Child Nutrition Fund, Co-Op Fund, and Bond Fund encumbrances.
Superintendent Julie Bills reported that the current student enrollment is 854. Bills shared that the district showed a large decrease in enrollment last year from the previous year, and this trend continues with a decline of eight students this year as compared to last. Some of the decline is attributed to the fact that larger upper-level classes have graduated and are being replaced by smaller classes at the lower grade levels. 
The district has 31 students taking 51 concurrent classes and 44 students attending RRTC. There are three student internships at the high school and 13 internships through FAME Academy.
Bills also reported that based on community input the ACT will be used as the district’s testing mechanism. The district earned full accreditation for the upcoming school year with no deficiencies.
Bills reported that Heath Ellis has been hired by Red Sky Constructors to serve as the site superintendent for the completion of the building projects funded by the 2023 Bond Issue. She noted that the previous job superintendent retired last month.
In other business, the board approved the resolution to adopt the Stephens County Multi-jurisdictional natural hazard Mitigation Plan. 
The board also approved several policy changes due to new regulations.

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