School board hears updates on bond projects, Chromebooks
January 23, 2025

The Comanche Board of Education met in a regular session on Jan 14.
Board Members approved various routine consent agenda items, including the minutes of the December board meetings, activity fund reports, and the treasurer’s report. The board also approved general fund, building, co-op, child nutrition, and bond fund encumbrances.
In additional reports from Superintendent Julie Bills, board members learned that the new Chromebooks purchased for grades 3-12 will be distributed for student use next week. Bills also reported on the use of snow days for last week’s weather and that any future days missed for weather will need to be virtual.
Bills shared with the board the progress and completion estimations on the bond projects. The safe/band room and the commons areas should be completed at the beginning of February. Storage for the band room has been delivered.
The furniture should be delivered in early February. Digi should have entry and security completed in February due to a weather rescheduling.
The greenhouse foundation and slab are complete and the erection of the greenhouse structure has begun. After installation of the structure, electricity and plumbing can be scheduled. That will complete the major projects for the bond issue.
The Tilley Foundation has donated 3,000.00 to the district to meet students’ personal needs. Bills expressed her gratitude for the community partners willing to help students.
January is School Board Appreciation Month. Superintendent Bills expressed her gratitude to the members for their time and dedication to the district. Charlie Gay, Amy Shelby, Thomas Winton, Marty Clark, and Cody Gerard were recognized for their continued service to the district.
The board also approved the hiring of Bode Grice as an adjunct instructor.
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