School projects nearly complete
February 20, 2025

The Comanche Board of Education met in a regular session on Feb. 11. Board Members approved various routine consent agenda items, including the minutes of the January board meeting, activity fund reports, and the treasurer’s report. The board also approved general, co-op, child nutrition, and bond fund encumbrances.
Superintendent Julie Bills updated the board members on the completion of the building projects allowed for by the bond issue. She reported to the board that occupancy should be granted in the next few days and that greenhouse completion should occur within the next month.
Board members took a tour of the new facilities after the meeting. The district will host an open house in March. Bills is excited to have the facilities open and available for student use. Bills said the community’s support in providing these spaces for students is greatly appreciated.
The board adopted the 25-26 school year calendar. The calendar will allow for late starts on days that the weather permits and for Professional Learning Communities’ early outs to be monthly instead of weekly. Bills informed the board that the district utilized two actual snow days in January and any other weather days will be virtual.
Jason Schriener presented to the board the Annual Drop Out report. Mr. Schriener also shared the last available school profile from the Office of Educational Quality and Accountability.
Terry Davidson presented the district’s annual financial information. He shared information that relates to the school’s financial condition; the declining ADM, fund balance histories, chargeable revenues, stimulus funding, and the multi-year bond issue status.
Davidson also discussed the upcoming audit. The fiscal year 2024 independent audit report will be presented by officials from the accounting firm of Patten & Odom, CPAs, PLLC during the March school board meeting. Bills commended Tonya Morgan, Elizabeth Ressel, Terry Davidson, and Stacey Bowen for their meticulous attention to detail in preparing the audit-supporting documentation.
Bills shared with the board that student organizations have been active. Bills updated the board on the various organizational and athletic activities that are going on during this time of year. She highlighted wrestling, the girls’ wrestling program accomplishments, basketball, band, unified Special Olympic teams, cheerleading, and FFA activities.
The board heard a parent request to have certain courses taken through the pre-engineering and bio-medical science academies at RRTC be considered for weighted credit. The board did not take any action at this time.
Superintendent Bills announced Jillian Hushbeck is the Class of 2025 Valedictorian. Co- Valedictorians are Alexis Feldman, TC Lindsey, Morgan Middick, Caitlyn Ramsey, Raygann Roark, and Jentry Whaley. Salutatorian is Jaycee Barnes.
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