School gets good audit report

March 20, 2025

The Comanche Board of Education met on March 11 for a regular session. Board members approved various routine consent agenda items, including the minutes of the February regular meeting, the resignation of Krystal Solis, Lisa Sisson, Kelli Bolton, and Jennifer White, and the treasurer’s report. 
The board also approved general fund encumbrances and the E-Rate supported contract with Chickasaw Long Distance. 
Courtney Odom from Patten and Odom, CPAs, presented the 2023-2024 audit page by page and answered questions from board members. Ms. Odom was complimentary of the central office staff and their cooperation during the virtual audit. 
Auditors noted that there were no findings reporting significant deficiencies, no instances of noncompliance relative to Government Auditing Standards, and no audit findings relative to federal program awards. 
In the Schedule of Comments, auditors found nothing to indicate that Comanche School District I-2 had not complied with significant rules and regulations of the Oklahoma State Department of Education. The Schedule of Comments did list three comments with recommendations for improvement. 
Finance Director Terry Davidson advised the board that the recommendations of the auditor would be followed and action plans implemented to address the three comments. Superintendent Julie Bills complimented the central office staff and others throughout the school district whose diligence in managing school district finances contributed to a positive audit report. 
Bills reported on various student accomplishments, and noted that this time of year is full of activities. Bills reported that the Boys Wrestling team had 6 state qualifiers, and the Girls’ team qualified four wrestlers, with Brooke West now being a two-time state champion. 
Both the Comanche boys and girls basketball teams have earned the honor of representing Class 3A as the 2025 Academic State Champions. The boys had a 3.825 average and the Girls a 3.985 average.
 The Pride of Comanche received various superior ratings at the latest solo and ensemble contests. The band has earned superior ratings in regional marching and concert contests and will advance to state to compete for the sweepstakes award. 
The local FCA group has been very active in hosting Courts of Praise and will have Willie Spears as the guest speaker at their banquet. 
The FFA program has been busy preparing for OYE with their animals and projects. Brilee Combs, Clara Cross, Peyton Jones, Koble Lewis, Raylan Parks, Caity Ramsey, and Jackson Schreiner all earned State FFA degrees. 
Fame students have their artwork on display at the Chisholm Trail Museum during March. The reception was held at Chisholm Trail Heritage Center. Speech/Drama/ Debate had three students try out for Nationals,. Regionals are set next week and qualifiers will advance to the state contest the following week. Jackson Schreiner earned a spot for the second time at the national competition. Comanche will host a junior and high school track meet at home on April 10-11. Baseball, golf, and track seasons are all underway. 
In other business, board members approved the rehiring of school district leaders for the 2025-2026 fiscal year: 
n Terry Davidson - finance director
n Kim Justus - elementary principal
n Angela Rouse - middle school principal
n Jason Schreiner - high school principal
n Sean Hushbeck - athletic director/transporation director/Indian education coordinator
n Elizabeth Ressell - alternative education/federal programs/professional development/McKinney-Vento
n Kristen Slovak - gifted/talented coordinator
n Melissa Channel - special education coordinator
In her recommendation to rehire the directors, Bills noted, “These individuals are working to improve the quality of our programs and students’ education. As a team, we are working to ensure that our students have opportunities for continued growth.” 
In other business, Bills reported the new safe room/music facility and the remodeled commons area have been approved for occupancy. Breakfasts and lunches for the high school are being served in the new commons area. 
Bills hopes to see an increase in participation. The district will have an open house to showcase the new construction. in the coming weeks. 
The greenhouse is nearing completion. The old greenhouse will be surplused at the end of the school year.