Claytor learnig on the run at Comanche PD
For Jesse Claytor becoming a police officer was not a lifelong dream, it was something that kind of just happened.
Claytor was born and raised in Virginia. He joined the military after high school and was eventually stationed at Fort Sill where he was a light-wheel mechanic. After three years in the Army he decided to get out but chose to stay in the area.
“It all of a sudden just happened,” Claytor said of becoming a police officer. “I think starting out (as a reserve) I thought it would be something fun to do and now I’m going full-time.”
Claytor had been a reserve officer for a few years for Comanche before getting promoted to full-time duty earlier this year. He is waiting to go to the bridge academy in May, which is an academy for police officers making the transition from reserve to full-time status.
Claytor, 40, said there has been nothing really in particular that has stood out since he has been on the job, but he does like the whole encompassing aspect of the job that he encounters as an officer.
Since he has not been on the force for very long, there have not been many surprises, but there is at least one thing that has been surprising to him.
“I didn’t expect the attitude toward law enforcement to change so drastically,” said Claytor , who first came on board as a reserve in Comanche in December 2019. He has been reserved certified for six years.
“I enjoy working with these guys in Comanche,” Claytor said. “It’s why I’ve stuck around and now I’m working full-time for them.”
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