CAYP holds first meeting

October 28, 2020

The Comanche Area Young Professionals held its first meeting last Thursday at the Comanche Golf Course pavilion.

Sara Garcia and Matthew Leal spearheaded the meeting.

“We want to grow, keeping young people plugged into the community,” Garcia said. “We want to get young people involved in making decisions and to get together to do some fun stuff for the people in the community.”

A small group attended the meeting, including city manager Chuck Ralls who gave some input from the city perspective.

“If we get young people involved, businesses and the town can make money,” Garcia said.

Some ideas were mentioned about possible activities, including something as early as Veterans’ Day in November.

Leal emphasized the group is not just for business owners, but for business professionals.

For more information, see the group’s Facebook page at Comanche Area Young Professionals.